The class of 1968 was the last class to graduate from The Van Lear High School. In 1969, Johnson Central High School graduated its first class.

Graduating Classes From Van Lear High School

Some History Of Van Lear Kentucky

Some history about Van Lear can be found here.

Mining accidents that occured in Van Lear.

Information about Loretta Lynn.


  • The Van Lear Town Celebration is an annual festival that is held during the first Saturday of August each year. The celebration features old fashioned fun for the entire family. Live music shows, games, food, crafts, a parade and much, much more!
  • Every year Van Lear is visited by thousands of tourists. The vast majority of these tourists are fans of Loretta Lynn and/or her younger sibling, Crystal Gayle and come to visit Butcher Hollow in Van Lear. Currently, we are seeing a large increase in the number of people who wish to visit our historical museum. We offer this web site as an aid to those planning a trip to our area.
Contact Info & Map

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Contact Us
Van Lear Historical Society
Van Lear, Kentucky 41265
Email: vanleartourism@yahoo

Historical Society Officers

Debra Burton Music

Tina S. Webb

Glenna L Music / Treasurer

Phone: (606) 789-8540